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General File System Commands

File system commands Finding files on disk Reading and writing text and section files


Loading and saving Doctype Navigation searching Element positions Adding and deleting elements and attributes Adding data


List all sections in a binary file (LIST). Load a section into a numerical item (LOAD). Save a numerical item to a section or delete a section (SAVE).

The available file item attributes are documented here: FILE Item Attributes

Binary File Commands

Binary files can list, load, save and delete sections using the following commands:


SET bfile LIST table

A simple table.

Append one entry per binary file section to the table table. Each entry contains the size of the section value, the number of rows and columns, and the data type in the following format:

1|..|4 rows columns I16|I32|F32|F63


SET bfile LOAD numitem section

The id of a numeric shell item. The format and type of this item is changed to match the requirements of the loaded section.
The index of the section to load.

Load a section from a binary file into a numeric shell item.


SET bfile SAVE numitem [ section ] [ /1|2|3|4]

The id of a numeric shell item or an asterisk. If numitem is an asterisk and section >= 0, then the section is deleted. If numitem is an asterisk and section = -1 then all sections are deleted.
The section index (0,1,...) or -1 to append a section (default).
The format: 1=I16, 2=I32, 3=F32, 4=F64 (default). Note that this flag is ignored if the section already exists.

Save the numerical item data to a binary file section. If the section already exists, then the numerical data must be the same size as the section data (i.e. the same number of rows and columns).

You can delete an existing section with the command $#bfile SAVE * $#n, where $#n is the section to delete. If $#n is -1 then all sections are deleted.

Finding Files on Disk


SET file FIND search [ /F|D ]

The command FIND starts a new search for files or directories located in the current directory and matching the search string (= wildcard file or directory name).

The command NEXT looks for the next file matching the search specified in the FIND command. Both commands return an error if no (more) matching files were found. If the return code (RC) is zero, a matching file was found and its name etc. can be accessed via the file item attributes. The file item file must be a list file item (see NEW FILE).

A file or directory name to search for.
If the option /F is specified, files are searched for, if /D is specified, directories are searched for. The default is /F.


The command NEXT looks for the next directory or file matching the search string specified in the FIND command.

Status File Commands

These commands can be executed by a status file item.


SET file STATUS path [ /S ]

Get status of file path. If the file path exists (on disk), all available status values are retrieved and can be accessed via the file-item attributes. The file item file must be of type file.

If specified, errors will generate warning messages rather than error messages. See The Silent Flag for details.

SET file DELETE path [ /S ]

Delete the file path. The command will fail if file is not of type file.

If specified, errors will generate warning messages rather than error messages. See The Silent Flag for details.

SET file RENAME|COPY path newpath [ /S ]

Rename or copy the file path. The file item file must be of type file. The RENAME function can also be used to move a file into another directory or to another disk drive or network-directory (located on another computer). Note that the RENAME command will fail if the newpath already exists, whilst the COPY command with overwrite an existing file.

If specified, errors will generate warning messages rather than error messages. See The Silent Flag for details.


Write section file from memory to disk

Text and Section File I/O

The SET FILE commands LIST, LOAD and SAVE access the content of files attached to file items of type TEXT or SECTION (see NEW FILE). Note that you can also use the command WRITE to write data to a file item.

SET file cmd table [type name]

Either LIST, LOAD or SAVE (see below).
A table to load data into or read data from.
A section name.

A section is defined by its type and a name (optional, if more than one section of the same type is used). Both id parts are strings which may not contain the characters '$', '[' , ']', ';' or (single quotes). The name may consist of more than one word.

Note that the mode in which the file is read or written is dependant on the flags passed to the NEW FILE command.=====COPY=====

SET fileItem COPY /Z /E|D sourceFile [ targetFile|* [ password|* ]

Copy a source to a target file encrypting / decrypting it in the process.


/E - Encrypt
/D - Decrypt

SET file LIST table [ type|* name|* ]

Retrieve a list of sections from a file (only for SECTION file items). One table entry is created per section with the following format:

sectionType sectionName

The simple table to append the section list to.
The type of sections to list. If no type or an asterisk is specified , all sections are listed.
The name of the sections to list. If no name or an asterisk is specified, all sections of type type are listed.

The file item LOAD command loads the contents of a file into a table. Both LOAD variants support the /S option.

SET file LOAD table [ /S ] // text file

SET file LOAD table type name [ /S ] // section file

Load the whole content of the file (TEXT) or a section (SECTION), and append to the table item table. If the table is an extended or parameter table, please use the table FORMAT command to configure the input formatting options.

A simple, extended or parameter table which will have data appended to it.
The section type to load. There is no default.
The name of the section to load. There is no default.
If specified, errors will generate warning messages rather than error messages. See The Silent Flag for details.

See load_a_file_into_a_table.sts in the script examples directory for a working example.


Save the contents of a shell table item into a file.

SET textFile SAVE table [ /S ]

Saves the content of the table item table to a TEXT file.

The table containing the text to save to file.
If specified, errors will generate warning messages rather than error messages. See The Silent Flag for details.

SET sectionFile SAVE table type [name] [ /S ]

Saves the content of the table item table to a SECTION file. Saving an empty table to a section will delete the section.

The table containing the text to save to file.
The name of the section type (e.g. the section [macro myTestMacro] has the type macro). This parameter is mandatory.
The name of the section (e.g. the section [macro myTestMacro] has the name myTestMacro).
If specified, errors will generate warning messages rather than error messages. See The Silent Flag for details.

Locking / Unlocking File Items



Lock the file item. If locked, only the shell which locked it has access to its content. The file must be unlocked after finishing the 'critical' processing section.


SET file TRYLOCK [ timeout ] [ /S ]

Try to lock the file item file. If no timeout is specified, TRYLOCK returns immediately. If the caller already *holds* the lock, TRYLOCK will fail immediately. This makes sense because, since the caller is the owner, it cannot release it whilst its waiting.

If specified, TRYLOCK will try to get a lock once per millisecond until it is either successful, or timeout milliseconds have elapsed.
If specified, errors will generate warning messages rather than error messages. See The Silent Flag for details.

Return Codes:

0 - an unlocked file has been successfully locked. 381 - Error: if the file item could not be locked due to it being locked by someone else. 382 - Warning: identical to 381, except that this returned when the /S flag is specified. 383 - Error: if the file item could not be locked due to it being locked by the caller. 384 - Warning: identical to 383, except that this returned when the /S flag is specified.


"SET $#file TRYLOCK 5000" will try hard to lock the file. If it does not succeed within 5000ms (i.e., five seconds), it will fail - but it will not fail earlier.

The TRYLOCK command is intended for safe multithreading without race conditions occurring=====UNLOCK=====


Unlock the file item.

XML Doctype

The S_TOOLS-STx XML implementation supports an element type definition which is not directly compatible with the standard XML definition methods like DTD or XML Schema. If necessary we will program an interface to a standard in the future. The XML element definitions are created with the command "SET xmlfile DOCTYPE ..." as documented below. All definition commands should be applied before the XML content is accessed. The sequence of definition commands must be finished with the command SET xmlfile DOCTYPE CLOSE to verify and initialize the element types. The element type definitions are not required and are applied during XML access only if available.

The following notes apply to the commands below:

  • If an element is derived from a parent element, it inherits all children, all attributes and the base and not-base element. All inherited definitions can be overridden in the derived element.
  • If a base element is defined, elements of type tag can only be added to a position below (inside) the base element or an element derived from the base element.
  • If a none-base element is defined, elements of type tag can not be added to a position below (inside) the none-base element or an element derived from the none-base element.
  • If an undefined element tag is used as argument (e.g. parent, base or in the child command) an element type tag is created automatically (and should be selected and configured later).
  • If children are set to invisible, all element below/inside the element are hidden
  • The default attribute visibility is used for undefined attributes and for attributes without visibility setting.
  • A valid definition sequence (= all DOCTYPE commands before DOCTYPE CLOSE) must consist of at least one element definition and the root and name assignment.

The application S_TOOLS-STx has a predefined DOCTYPE (defined in the stxconfig.xml file), which guarantees data integrity.

// A very basic doctype example
$#xml doctype name 'testdoctype'
$#xml doctype element root * * * * yes yes yes
$#xml doctype root root
$#xml doctype element elem * * * * yes yes yes
$#xml doctype attribute type yes all default string no yes
$#xml doctype close

SET xmlfile DOCTYPE ELEMENT tag [parent base nobase data vtag vchildren vattributes]

Create a new element type or select an element type (e.g. to define children or attributes). See Note 7.

tag tag name of the element type
parent tag name of the parent type or * if none (1)(4)
base tag name of the base element or * (2)(4)
nobase tag name of the not-base element or * (3)(4)
data a string defining the type of the data section (currently unused)
vtag show tag in dialogs {no|yes}
vchildren show children in dialogs {no|yes}(5)
vattributes yes|all} (6)


SET xmlfile DOCTYPE CHILD tag minoccur maxoccur

Add a child element definition to the last created/selected element.

tag tag name of the child element (4)
minoccur minimum number of occurrences (>= 0 or *=0)
maxoccur maximum number of occurrences (>=minoccur or * for infinite)


SET xmlfile DOCTYPE ROOT tag

Assign the type tag of the root element. The element type must already be defined (7).


SET xmlfile DOCTYPE NAME anytext (7)

Assign the title/name of the element definition (7).



Close definition sequence. Initialise and verify all types. This must be the last command of the definition sequence (7).


SET xmlfile VALIDATE errorTable|* [testdoc /Insert] [/Recursive] [/Position /Children /Attributes] [/Showposition]

Validate the xmlfile's selected element using the defined doctype. If no doctype is defined, it returns true. If all tests are passed, it returns true. A simple table (errorTable) can be passed, to log errors in. The tests can be performed on either just the selected element or the selected element and all elements within it (/R). The position (/P), attributes (/A) and the occurrence of children (/C) can be tested. If a test document (testdoc) is passed, the test document's selected element is validated (instead of the xmlfile) using the xmlfile's doctype. If the options /Insert is used in conjunction with testdoc, the test document's selected element is validated as if it were inserted at the position of the xmlfile's selected element. If no options are given, the options /R/P/C/A are used by default. The option /S modifies any error strings, prefixing the string with a position id (e.g. 'P#54 ASeg has invalid attributes').

A simple table in which to log errors.
An XML shell-file to be tested against the defined DOCTYPE.

XML Element and Attribute Manipulation

All commands act on the 'selected' element unless otherwise indicated. On loading an XML file, the selected element is set to the root element. Navigating through the file then selects different elements.


SET xmlfile ADDELEMENT ename|xmlSourceFile [aname avalue ..] [/Before|After|Replace /In|Out /First|Last /Copy]

Create a new empty element with tag ename.

The element is inserted before (/Before) or after (/After = default) the selected element of xmlfile or it replaces (/Replace) the selected element. Attribute assignments (aname avalue) can be specified to set element attributes.

If a doctype has been defined, the element's position and attributes are validated and the function fails if the parameters are invalid. Required attributes which were not passed, are set to their default values.

When the option /C is used in conjunction with an xmlSourceFile (instead of an ename), the selected element of xmlSourceFile is added.

The navigation options are applied as follows: The option /Out is carried out before adding the element. The options /First|Last are then performed. After the element is added, the /In option is carried out.


SET xmlfile ADDFILE source [/After|Before|Replace] [/In|Out] [/Delete] [/Children] [/Novalidate]

Copy the selected element from XML file-item source to xmlfile. The element is inserted before (/Before) or after (/After = default) the selected element of xmlfile or it replaces the selected element (/Replace). If the option /Delete is specified, the copied element is removed from source and the next (souce) element (if any) is selected. If no navigation option is specified, the added element is selected. Possible navigation options are /In (step into the added element, after add) and /Out (step out of current parent, before add).

The source XML file item to be added.
Insert the source file after or before the selected element, or replace the selected element.
Navigate out of the selected xmlfile element before add or navigate into the xmlfile selected element after add.
Delete the sources selected element from the source file once it's been added.
If this flag is specified, all children of the current sourcefile element are added to the current element of the target file (as children). In this case all other options except /Novalidate are ignored!
Disable validation (do not validate source data)

Note that if adding the file at root level, the root element will be replaced no matter what /A|B|R options are given. Note that if the root element of the source document is added, the nodes on that level (e.g. the <?xml?> and <!DOCTYPE> entries) are not copied.=====DOCTYPE ATTRIBUTE=====

SET xmlfile DOCTYPE ATTRIBUTE name required visibility default type params

Add an attribute definition to the last created/selected element.

name attribute name
required no)
visibility visibility of attribute in dialogs (no = hidden, yes = show value, all = show name and value)
default default value or * for no default
type, params
type params
INTEGER minimum maximum
NUMBER minimum maximum
STRING respectcase unique
VALUELIST value1 value2 ...

|- |minimum |minimum value or * for infinite |- |maximum |maximum value or * for infinite |- |respectcase |respect (yes) or ignore (no) case in search/compare functions |- |unique |value must be unique (yes) on the elements level or not (no) |- |value1, value2 |possible values of a valuelist attribute |}


SET xmlfile ADDNODE text [aname avalue ...] /Comment|DocType|Element|ProcInst [/Before|After|Replace /In|Out /First|Last]

Add a node to the XML-file. The node types supported are 'processing instructions' (<?xml version="1.0"?>), 'elements' (<item>data</item>), 'document types' (<!DOCTYPE section SYSTEM "stx.dtd">) and 'comments' (<!—comment -->). The text has a different meaning for each node type: for a processing instruction it is the target 'xml', for an element it is the tag 'item', for the document type it is the text between '<!DOCTYPE ' and '>' and for a comment it is the text within the comment markers. Element nodes may be assigned attributes (aname avalue). The options /First|Last navigate to the first or last node on this level (independent of the node type being added). If a doctype has been defined and the node is an element, the element's position and attributes are validated and the function fails if the parameters are invalid.


SET xmlfile ADDTABLE table ename [/After|Before|Replace] [/In|Out /Data|Empty /Cdata] [/Tagerrorsonly]

Add the entries of table as elements to xmlfile. One element per entry is added, after (/A = default) or before (/B) the current element, or replacing (/R) the current element. The argument ename is used as the element tag.. If /Data is specified the entry data is stored in the element's data section using the table's write format, otherwise (/Empty = default), the entry data is stored as element attributes (use field names as attribute names, does not store empty fields, uses the write format) and the element data section is empty. In conjunction with /Data, the option /Cdata can be used to create CData-sections instead of normal data sections. There is a severe performance hit (1300%) if you use the /Before option since indexes have to be recalculated.

A shell table with the entries to be added to the XML file. This parameter is mandatory.
The string to be used as the created element's tag. This parameter is mandatory.
Specify whether the new elements should be added before (/B) or after (/A) the selected element or replace the selected element (/R).
If specified, /In navigates into the selected element before the new element is added. If specified, /Out navigates out of the selected element after the new element has been added.
If /Data is specified, then the entry is stored in the data section of the new element. Otherwise, the data is stored as attribute values.
Specify /Cdata if the data should be enclosed within a CData section.
Specify if entries which cause errors should be tagged in the table but correct entries should be added. Otherwise, if one error occurs, no entries are added.

SET xmlfile DELETEELEMENT [ename] [/Child]

Delete the selected element itself (no arguments) or delete all elements with the tag ename on the current level. If /Child is specified, the selected element's children are deleted, but not the selected element itself.

Warning: This operation can take a very long time!SET xmlfile DELETEELEMENT table field [/Resetpos /Child /All|Tagged]

Delete all elements found at the positions stored in the column field of the table table.

If /Child is specified, the selected element's children are deleted, but not the selected element itself.
The positions are deleted, but not the elements.
All table entries are used. This is the default.
Only tagged entries are used.

SET xmlfile EXTRACTFILE xmlSubDoc posAttrName [tagN recursiveN ...]

Extract a selection of elements from a source xml file (xmlfile) into a target xml file (xmlSubDoc). The selection is dependent on the parameters tagN and recursiveN and is independent of the selected element. The position of the extracted element in xmlfile is stored in the attribute posAttrName in the extracted element in xmlSubDoc. The original tree structure is retained. If no tagN-names are given, then all positions in xmlSubDoc are removed from xmlfile and the contents of xmlSubDoc are deleted. Note: the root element is always copied from xmlfile to xmlSubDoc. The pre-call contents (if any) are deleted from xmlSubDoc.


SET xmlfile EXTRACTTABLE extTable posFld|* elemTag tagFld attr1Name attr1Fld ... [ /P /R /1|All /Y]

Extract a selection of attribute values from elements with a specific tag on the current level into a table.

The id of an extended table item.
The name of the table field where element positions should be stored. If the option /P is specified, the position of the element's parent is save instead.
The name of the element tag (e.g. "AFile" for <AFile> elements) or an asterisk for all elements.
The name of the table field to store the extracted element tags.
The name of an attribute to extract.
The name of the table field where the attr1Name attribute values should be stored.
If specified, the whole sub-tree is extracted.
If specified, the element's parent's position is stored in the posFld column.
If /1 is specified, elements are only extracted if at least one of the specified attributes is set. If /All is specified, elements are only extracted if all of the specified attributes are set. The default behaviour is to extract all elements irrespective of whether any attributes are set or not.
If specified, the elemTag argument is treated as a DOCTYPE class name and not only the elements, but also their derived classes are searched (e.g. if elemTag is ASeg, then all APar's are searched too).

If positions are stored (i.e. posFld is not set to *) the programmer is responsible for deleting the positions.SET xmlfile EXTRACTTABLE extTable elemTag1 nameFld1 ... /Mode=Attributes /Y /Recursive

Saves a list of all the attributes found in the specified elements. Each elements (elemTagX) attributes are stored in the associated table field nameFldX.

This is mandatory.

See the command above for a description of the other parameters and options.

SET xmlfile EXTRACTTABLE extTable posFld|* tagFld attr1Name attr1Fld ... /Mode=Read [/All|Tagged]

Updates the attribute list already in the table extTable. No new elements are searched (i.e. the existing positions are used).

This is mandatory.
If /All is specified, all table entries are used (this is the default). If /Tagged is specified, then only the tagged entries are used.

See the command above for a description of the other parameters and options.


SET xmlfile ROOT [*|tag] [aname avalue ...] [/Delete]

Name, rename or delete the root element tag, add, modify or delete the root element's attributes. An attribute is deleted if the value (avalue) passed is empty (). If a doctype has been defined, the root's tag and attributes are validated and the function fails if the parameters are invalid. All required attributes which are not passed, are automatically set to their default values.

The root element tag (e.g. 'STxDataSet'). If an asterisk is specified, the root element tag is left unmodifed.
An XML attribute name. Used in combination with the avalue parameter, this can set or delete a root element attribute.
A value to assign to the previous aname attribute. You can delete an attribute if this parameter is an empty string (e.g. $#file root * CH )
If specified, the root element and all of the contained content is removed. If used in combination with tag, this option deletes the document and then creates a new root element.

Using the ROOT command invalidates all saved positions!=====SETATTRIBUTE=====

SET xmlfile SETATTRIBUTE aname avalue ... [/Parent]

Set the attribute aname of the selected element to avalue. If /Parent is specified, the attributes of the parent element are modified instead of those of the selected element. Multiple attribute assignments (pairs of aname avalue) may be specified. An attribute is removed if an empty value is specified. If a doctype has been defined, the attributes are validated and the function fails if they are invalid. Note: if the function fails, the pre-call state is not guaranteed (some attributes may have been set etc.).

The name of the attribute to set.
The value to set the attribute to.

SET xmlfile SETATTRIBUTE table field aname avalue ...

The table table column field contains the positions of the elements who's attributes should be set.

The table item containing the positions of the elements where attribute should be set.
The table item field where element positions are stored.
All element positions will be deleted after use.
All table entries will be used. This is the default.
Only tagged entries will be used.
The avalue arguments are attribute values.
The avalue arguments are table field names which contain attribute values.

SET xmlfile SETATTRIBUTE tag aname avalue ... [/Y] [/Recursive]

Set all the attributes of tag elements on the current level.

The tag identifying the elements to modify.
If the /Y option is used, the tag argument is used as a DOCTYPE class name, not an element tag. All derived classes are set too.
If specified, the command is carried out on the sub-tree as well.

SET xmlfile SORT [attrID0 dir0 attriIDN dirN] [/Delete]

Sort the selected elements children according to the given attributes and directions and set the element's sort attribute. Previous sort attributes are overwritten. Calling this function without parameters resorts using the existing attributes. Calling the function without parameters and with the /Delete option removes the sort attributes. This function only supports attributes defined in the doctype. Note that if one of the attributes is unique (as defined in the doctype definition), only this attribute will be used to sort.

The name of an attribute defined in the doctype.
The direction in which the elements should be sorted. The following values are allowed: 'Ascending' or 'Descending' (or any shorter version thereof, e.g. 'Asc' or 'Desc' or 'a' or 'd'). or '0' or '1'
If no parameters are passed, the existing sort attributes are deleted.

The internal implementation works in the following way:Unique Attributes: If one of the attributes passed to the SORT command is unique (as defined in the doctype), only this attribute is used for sorting. The elements are sorted according to the direction and case is respected, if so defined in the doctype. All elements added to this level after sorting are added at the correct sorted position. Changing attributes of sorted elements also rearranges the sort order. If you have a large number of segments in an AFile, sorting according to a unique attribute is highly recommended, since the performance of the dataset validation is very slow for unsorted unique attributes. If you set the parent 'sort' attribute by hand and want the sort to happen automatically, please set the 'unsorted' attribute to '1'. The next time an attribute is changed, or an element is added, all elements will first be sorted.Non-unique Attributes: If the sort attributes are not unique, multiple attributes can be used. Elements added after sorting are not inserted at the correct position; instead, a further attribute 'unsorted' is set in the parent element. Changing attributes after sorting does not affect the sort order – the parent attribute 'unsorted' is set.Validation: the validate command checks for sort attributes and sorts the elements before validation. When closing S_TOOLS-STx, the DataSet is validated, and therefore all elements with sort attributes are sorted.

SET $#xmlfile SORT ID Asc

The children of the selected element are sorted by their ID attribute in ascending order. The following command does the same by means of the SETATTRIBUTE command.

SET $#xmlfile SETATTRIBUTE sort 'ID Asc' unsorted '1'

When $#xmlfile's selected element is an AFile, all ASegs in this AFile will be sorted according to their ID. Sorting will happen automatically, either on modification/addition of an element or attribute to one of the ASegs, or on validation.

XML Element Data Manipulation

Note: You cannot store data in the data section of an element with children!=====GETDATA=====

SET xmlfile GETDATA varname

Copy contents of XML data section into variable varname.

SET xmlfile GETDATA /Table table /Read

Empty table and copy contents of the XML data section into the table item table. This command loads data stored in the format generated by the command 'SET $#xmlfile SETDATA /T $#table'.

SET xmlfile GETDATA /Table table [ firstField nFields ] /Numeric [/Vector]

Empty the table item table and copy the contents of the selected element's data section into the table's numeric fields. This command loads data stored in the format generated by the command "SET $#xmlfile SETDATA /T/N $#table $#firstField $#nFields". This command uses the attributes dim and vector generated by the SETDATA command to ascertain the format of the data section. If the option /Vector is specified (see SETDATA), it overrides the corresponding vector attribute if it exists.


SET xmlfile SETDATA string [ /CData ]

The string to save in the element.

Set the data of the selected element to string. An empty string can be used to remove data (-> empty element). If the string contains characters which are reserved in the XML specification (e.g. <, >, &), the option /CData must be used to create a CData section.

SET xmlfile SETDATA /Table table [ /CData ]

The table containing the data to be stored in the element.
A mandatory option.

Store the content of table in the data section of the selected element (note: this is different to ADDTABLE, which adds one element per entry). The table's write format is always used (see SET table FORMAT). If table contains characters which are reserved in the XML specification, the option /CData must be used.

SET xmlfile SETDATA /Table table [ firstField nfields ] /Numeric [ /Vector ]

The first field to extract data from.
The number of consecutive fields to extract data from.
A mandatory option.

Store the contents of table in the data section of the selected element. The table must be an extended table and the selected fields must be numeric! The values are stored as decimal numbers. The data is stored row-by-row (no option) or column-by-column (option /Vector). The attribute dim is automatically added to the selected element with the values "nRows nColumns". If the option /Vector is specified, the attribute vector is added with the value "1".

XML Element Positions

Element positions are unique strings which can be used like "pointers" to an element. The position of an element is saved with the command "#posvar := POSITION $#file" (see the command POSITION).


SET xmlfile POSITION [ parameters ... ] [ /S ]

All POSITION commands can take the /S option.

If specified, errors will generate warning messages rather than error messages. See The Silent Flag for details.

SET xmlfile POSITION pos /Restore [ /S ]

Select the element at position pos and delete the position.

SET xmlfile POSITION pos /Goto [ /S ]

Select the element at position pos but do not delete the position.

SET xmlfile POSITION [pos|*] /Delete [/Children] [ /S ]

Delete the position identified by pos. If pos is empty or an asterisk, then all saved positions for the selected element are deleted. If the option /Children is used, this (position) deletion is carried out recursively.

SET xmlfile POSITION pos1 [pos2] /Equal [ /S ]

Tests if the two positions pos1 and pos2 reference the same element (RC=0 for same element, RC=1 for different elements). If only one position (pos1) is passed, this position is compared with that of the selected element.

XML Load & Save


SET xmlfile LOAD [path]

Load the document from the last selected or specified path and select the root element (previous content/position information is lost). If a path is specified, data are loaded from path and it is stored for later use, otherwise the stored path is used. The current content and all position and state settings are cleared before loading


SET xmlfile SAVE [path]

Store the document in the last selected or specified path. If path is specified, it is also stored for later use.

XML Navigation Searching

The following general navigation options can be supplied with any navigation, search and data processing command:

  • /In step into the selected element: set the selected element to the parent element and its first child to the selected element; this option is applied after successful execution of the navigation or manipulation function
  • /Out step out of the parent: set the element containing the current parent to the new parent and the current parent to the selected element; this option is applied before the function is executed
  • /First|Last|Next set position to the first|last element of current section or continue navigation|search ; this option is applied before the function is executed (after /Out option)
  • /nodetype selects the type of the node to be found; the types /Element, /Processinginstruction, /Comment and /Doctype are supported

Navigation menu

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