Programmer Guide/SPU Reference/LPCOEFS: Difference between revisions

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LPCOEFS - linear prediction coefs.


LPCOEFS x n d type

x signal vector no default
n number of coefficients def=20
d pre-emphasis (differentiation factor, 0..1) def.=1
type selects the coefficient type def.=RC
y coefficients (n or n+1 values)
alpha error energy
rc reflection coefficients

This function computes the LP (linear prediction) coefficients for the speech signal x using the autocorrelation method. The signal vector x must be windowed before being connected to this atom. An optional pre-filtering (differentiation, if d>0) is applied to the signal before the coefficients' iteration. The algorithms used in this function are based on the algorithms published by J.D.Markel and A.H.Gray in "Linear Prediction of Speech".

Linear prediction coefficients selected by input type{| |- |value of type |type of coefficients stored in y |number of coefs. |- |0 or AI |inverse filter coefficients |n+1 |- |1 or RC |reflection coefficients |n |- |2 or AREA |area coefficients |n |- |3 or LOGAREA |logarithmic area coefficients |n |}

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