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Command line parameters

S_TOOLS-STx understands the following command line parameters.

stx.exe inifile|* ; dataset|*|NO ; applicationname ; applicationarguments

Where inifile is the name of the S_TOOLS-STx INI file. If an asterisk is specified, the default S_TOOLS-STx INI file stxini.xml is used.

Where dataset is the name of the DataSet file. If an asterisk is specified, the default DataSet file is used. If NO is specified, then no DataSet is used.

The default S_TOOLS-STx INI file is stxini.xml.

See Log Window for a list of available applications.


The following call runs the script test.sts

stx.exe * ; * ; bscript run ; test.sts ; mymacro ; arg0 ; arg1

The following starts S_TOOLS-STx with the Real-Time Analyser

stx.exe * ; * ; rtanalyse

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