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Exponential function

This function has several usage formats where the evaluation and the type of the result r depends on. The table below shows the possible usages and data types.
usage evaluation description
exp(x) ri,j = e ^ xi,j x can be any type
r has same type as x
exp(x, yS) ri,j = yS ^ xi,j x can be any type, yS must be a scalar
r has same type as x
exp(xS, y) ri,j = yi,j ^ xS xS must be a scalar, y can be any type
r has same type as y
exp(x, y) ri,j = yi,j ^ xi,j x must be a vector or matrix
y must have the same type as xvectors
r has same type as x

exp(xS, y)

result[i] = y[i] ^ xS

exp(x, y)

result[i] = y[i] ^ x[i]

<function list>

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