Numerical objects

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Numerical objects

The following numerical objects are known to the EVAL command. The fields of the table item table are all numeric (you can use a parameter table). The value item value can contain numbers, vectors or matrices. The wave item wave is any wave item.

syntax description data type
constantNumber a scalar constant. E.g. 4.5 or 4 scalar
table the content of the whole table vector, matrix


the i-th row of the table scalar, vector


the j-th column of the table scalar, vector
table[i,j] the value of the i-th row and j-th column of the table scalar
value the content of the value item scalar, vector, matrix


the i-th row of the value item scalar, vector


the j-the column of the value item scalar, vector
value[i,j] the value of the i-th row and j-th column of the value item scalar


the signal from all channels vector, matrix
wave[!signal,ch] the signal from channel ch (=1,2,...) vector
wave[!signal,*,b,l] the signal from all channels from sample b to sample b+l-1 vector, matrix
wave[!signal,ch,b,l] the signal from channel ch from sample b to sample b+l-1 vector

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