SPU Reference

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All the signal processing in STx is done using the integrated signal processing language's signal processing atoms (SPAtoms). The basic atoms are connected, forming a processing path, collectively called a signal processing unit (SPU).

Spu block diagram.png

The SPU Reference documents all integrated SPAtoms and includes a guide to writing signal processing units.

Signal processing units (SPUnits) provide the STx programmer with the possibility to create their own signal processing algorithms. Using a set of predefined atoms, the programmer can develop such things as a synthesis circuit (e.g. sample generators by additive synthesis), a real-time spectrum analyzer (using SPECTRUM and WAVEIN atoms) or a complete speech analysis (e.g. by using the atoms F0SIFT, RMS and LPCOEFS).

SPUnits are defined using the STx signal processing language. Once defined, they can be instantiated in an SPUnit item, or used as an 'atom' in another SPUnit.

Signal Processing Atoms (SP-Atom) in alphabetical order

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