Known Bugs

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Revision as of 15:32, 2 May 2016 by Jw (talk | contribs)
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The following bugs have been identified, but not yet fixed in STx:

  • The edited entry jumps to the bottom of the Workspace Detail when return is pressed. This bug exists since 4.0. (2016-05-02)
  • Tabbing through entries in the Workspace Detail sometimes goes in the wrong direction (backwards). The state of the shift key appears to be saved and not reset. (2016-05-02)
  • When applying signal processing functions to a new file, the new file is still locked after the function has finished, making it inaccessible from the workspace. (2016-05-02)
  • When applying signal processing functions to a new file, the user specified attributes are not copied. (2016-05-02)
  • STx crashes when the con log window is closes whilst the LNdF16 script is running (at line 686 in lib_spatomDataIO.cpp (2016-05-02)
  • STx 'sts' files are not associated with a text editor. (2016-05-02)
  • The A&S tree state does not appear to be saved/restored correctly when the workspace is saved. (2016-05-02)
  • The copy/cut/paste keyboard shortcuts may not always work in the Workspace Detail/Overview. (2016-05-02)
  • The Games demo displays a white screen on the HP presentation computers.
  • Creating a new segment (context menu 'new segment') in the transcription script (SPExL), but not completing the command with enter creates the segment, but does not display it in the graph.

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