Programmer Guide/Shell Items/Dialog/Dialog Controls/Radiobutton

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SET dialog index RADIOBUTTON row col text [var1|* w h * fg bg font] [ /A|L|R ]

The radio buttons are the only controls where one variable is bound to multiple controls. A new radio button group is started when a variable name var1 is specified. For all other radio buttons of the group the argument var1 must be set to '*'. The value of var1 is set to activeindex-groupstartindex, where groupstartindex is the index of the first radio button of a group and activeindex is the index of the activated radio button of the same group. Only one button in the group can be activated at one time.

var1 The name of button index variable (only for the first button in the group).

See Common arguments for a description of the parameters not described here.

Using radio buttons may lead to problems because the function searching for the first button in a group does not always work correctly. It only works if no other control (e.g. a groupbox or a static) is placed between the buttons of the group.

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