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The FIND command searches a table item for a particular entry and returns the zero-based index of this entry (if found), or the empty string (if unfound, eh, not found). Note that the FIND command can only be used with simple tables, and with string and name fields of extended tables.

#pos := FIND table entry field [ mask taggedonly respectcase ]
the name of the table item to search
the zero-based index of the item where the search should start, the asterisk, * (or, obviously, the index 0) indicating that the whole table is to be searched
for an extended table, this has to be the zero-based index, or the name of, of the string field, or the name field, to be searched. For simple tables, this parameter is ignored (but has to be present!), and should be set to *.
the search mask (wildcards are possible)
if set to 1, only tagged entries will be searched. If set to 1 (which is the default), all entries of the table will be searched.
if set to 0, the search will be case-insensitive (this is the default). If set to 1, the search will case-sensitive.
[macro FindStringInTable]
#t := new table *
$#t * 'The big red apple was very juicy'
$#t * 'The blue waves were mesmerizing'
$#t * 'The green man said - "You are coming with me"'
$#t * 'The red dwarf star was a million miles away'
#searchStr := 'red'
do forever
    #i := find $#t '$#i' '*' '*$#searchStr*'
    if '$rc' != 0 break
    um 'The table entry $#i ($#t[$#i]) contains the word "$#searchStr"'
delete /Var #t

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