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Compute the linear prediction coefficients using the autocorrelation method ("Linear Prediction of Speech", Markel & Gray).

lpc(x, m, p {, type {, lfft}})
xthe signal vector; this should be a speech signal without windowing function (because the hamming-window is applied to x by this the function)
number of coefficients
rule of thumb: m ~ samplingrate / 1000 * 1.25
pdifferentiation factor; 0 <= p <= 1 (default=0)
output selector; 0 <= type <= 4 (default=0)
the length of the fft to be used for the computation of the transfer function (amplitude spectrum) of the inverse filter; m+1 < lfft
  1. apply differentiation to signal x
  2. apply hamming window to signal x
  3. use the autocorelation method to compute the inverse filter coefficients ai, the reflection coefficients rc and the error (or residual) energy alpha
  4. convert coefficients to the selected result
A vector y containing the result of the function.
type y nrow(y) description
0 amplitude spectrum of the inverse filter lfft/2+1 this function can be used in speech analysis to compute the transfer function of the vocal tract (e.g. for formant extraction)
1 y[0]=alpha
m+2 the error energy (alpha) and the m+1 inverse filter coefficients ai
2 y[0]=alpha
m+1 the error energy (alpha) and the m reflection coefficients rc
3 y[0]=alpha
m+2 the error energy (alpha) and the m area coefficients ar
(ar[i] ~ area of section i)
4 y[0]=alpha
m+2 the error energy (alpha) and the m log. area coefficients lar
(lar[i] ~ diameter of section i)
See also
fft, ifft, dct, cepstrum, lpc, complex arithmetic

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