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Format tracking algorithm.

formants(cf, ca, f0, mflag, bias, lmin)
a matrix containing the frequencies of the formant candidates in Hz
  • number of frames: N=nrow(cf)
  • maximum number of candidates M=ncol(cf)
  • each row of cf contains the candidates of one frame
  • if cf[i,k]=0 (0<=i<N, 0<=k<M) the number of candidates in frame i equals k
  • the frequencies of frame i must be in ascending order: cf[i,j]<cf[i,j+1] (0<=j<k-1)
a matrix containing the amplitudes of formant candidates in dB
  • ca must be a matrix with the same dimensions as cf
    or a scalar, if amplitudes should not be used for formant tracking
f0 vector
  • f0 must be a vector with length N containing the f0 values int Hz
    or a scalar, if f0 should not be used for formant tracking
  • if f0 is supplied, the formant tracking is only applied to voiced regions
selects the tracking method
  • currently only one method (mflag=0) is implemented (see sp-atom FORMANTS for more details)
  • a second method using a formant modell is under development
tracking bias in Hz
the minimum length of a track in frames
A matrix with N rows and L columns. Each column l contains the formant track with order l+1. L is the maximum formant order or the maximum number of parallel tracks.
See also
f0ac, lpc, cepstrum, ipeak, sp-atom FORMANTS

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