See SET DDECONV for the SET commands and DDECONV Item Attributes for a list of attributes.
NEW DDECONV name service topic
creates a DDE conversation.
name | The item name of the established conversation. |
service | The service to connect to (e.g. 'Excel ').
topic | The the topic to connect to (e.g. 'System ').
If the command fails, check the following: Failure occurs if the application supplying the service is not running, or the topic does not exist. You can check if the topic exists by establishing a conversation with the service on the System topic and getting the item topics, a tab-delimited list of topics currently available on that server. |
Garbage collection. If specified, the item is automatically deleted when exiting the macro. |
NEW DDEConv myExcelConv 'Excel' '[stxdata.xls]Sheet1'
Establishes a conversation with Excel on the topic '[stxdata.xls]Sheet1
' which is an open file. The shell creates a new ddeconv, adds it to the server, and then connects.
The service (in the example Excel) must already be active/running. Automatic startup of services has not yet been implemented.