DISPLAY Item Attributes

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The display item has the following attributes, which can be accessed using the following syntax:

#result := $#display[!ATTRIBUTE]
Attribute Argument Value(s) and Description
!MODE N/A VISIBLE|ENABLEDmode of the display window
!STYLE N/A RESTORED|MAXIMIZEDstyle of the display window
!WINDOW N/A xpos ypos width heightposition (upper left corner) and size of the display window in pixels
!TITLE N/A titletitle (caption) of the display window
!NROWS N/A number_of_rowsnumber of rows for graphs
!NCOLS N/A number_of_cols0 number_of_cols1 ...number of colums (1 or 2) per row
!HROWS N/A height_of_row0 height_of_row1 ...the current relative row height (sum = 1)
!WCOLS width_of_col0 width_of_col1 ...the current relative position (0..1) of column splitters; a position value is only valid if the row is split.
!GRAPHS N/A number_of_attached_graphsnumber of graph items attached to the display
!GRAPH index name_of_graph_object row_index col_indexget info about attached graph item identified by index (0, 1, ...)
!ACTIVEGRAPH N/A name_of_active_graph_objectname of currently activated (focused) graph item
!FULLSCREEN N/A fullscreen_statusquery fullscreen mode flag (1…fullscreen, 0…window)
!DIALOGITEM N/A name_of_dialog_objectget name of (1st) dialog item attached to the display item
!DIALOGMODE N/A NOWINDOW, >code>HIDDEN, VISIBLE or ENABLED indicating the mode fo mode of the dialog window (NOWINDOW … not created)
!DIALOGALIGN N/A ABOVE, >BELOW, LEFT or RIGHT, indicating the position of the dialog window
!ONTOP N/A always on top status, querying whether the display is in the always on top mode
!FOREGROUND N/A Returns '1' if the display is currently the foreground window. Returns '0' if the display is currently not the foreground window. Returns '-1' if the display is currently not a window.

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