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See SET DDECONV for the SET commands and DDECONV Item Attributes for a list of attributes.

NEW DDECONV name service topic

creates a DDE conversation.

name The item name of the established conversation.
service The service to connect to (e.g. 'Excel').
topic The the topic to connect to (e.g. 'System').

If the command fails, check the following: Failure occurs if the application supplying the service is not running, or the topic does not exist. You can check if the topic exists by establishing a conversation with the service on the System topic and getting the item topics, a tab-delimited list of topics currently available on that server.

/G Garbage collection. If specified, the item is automatically deleted when exiting the macro.


   NEW DDEConv myExcelConv 'Excel' '[stxdata.xls]Sheet1'

Establishes a conversation with Excel on the topic '[stxdata.xls]Sheet1' which is an open file. The shell creates a new ddeconv, adds it to the server, and then connects.

The service (in the example Excel) must already be active/running. Automatic startup of services has not yet been implemented.

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