General Settings

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You can modify some basic Workspace layout and formatting options using this dialog. You can do the following:

  • set the default Detail View for sets, sound files and sequences
  • set the default sorting order of elements in the Detail
  • choose which of the project element attributes should be displayed in the Detail window
  • choose the format signal start and length value are displayed with (seconds, samples, milliseconds, etc)
  • choose whether to have the Application & Setup Tree expanded when STx starts up
  • choose whether the Detail column widths are automatically calculated
  • choose whether or not to export and import a sound file's metadata when starting and exiting STx (note that this is only relevant for unlinked projects.

This dialog is found in the Application & Setup Tree under Options.

Ws dialog display layout settings.png

The Display Layout and Settings dialog contains parameters controlling the way the Workspace displays data.

Here is a description of the parameters in detail.

Set-List Content
STx projects can contain audio data and links. The user can choose to display all the data (All-Sets) or just the audio data (Audio-Sets) by default.
Soundfile & Sequence Content
Set which Workspace Detail window is active by default. To activate the other window whilst using the Workspace, click on the appropriate View button (Signal, Parameter, Segment).
The user can choose which default sort order should be used to display the sets, segments and parameters in the Detail. If the checkbox sort ... by is not checked, the the underlying XML ordering is used.
"Set" Attributes & "Segment" Attributes
Press either one of these buttons to select which attributes should be displayed in the Detail window. If your project is large, this may take some time.
Time Unit
Here you can set the time unit used in the Workspace windows. The format omits the hours and minutes if the signal is not that long enough.
Expand Data-Tree
Check these boxes if you want the Overview tree to be expanded when STx starts up.
Automatic column width
If checked, the Detail columns are automatically sized to display the whole of their content. If left unchecked, a default width is used for all columns. Note that you can 'automatically' size the columns by pressing Ctrl+[NUM+] in the Detail window.
SD0 Auto Load, SD0 Auto Save
These checkboxes are only of relevance if your project is unlinked. If they are checked, you are asked when loading and saving the project, whether you would like to load and save the metadata to their corresponding metadata files.
You can explicitly save metadata to the metadata files using the menu Special > Soundfile > SD0 Update > Load and Special > Soundfile > SD0 Update > Save.
Cell Lines
Determines the number of lines which can be displayed per cell in the Detail view.
Segment Parameter Summary
If checked, an extra column 'Par-Summary' is displayed in the Segment List, where a summary of the existing parameters for that segment are listed.

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