Sectioner Settings Dialog

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V2 sectioner dialog.png

The Sectioner settings are saved only once in the Workspace. This means they are used with all profiles. Be careful if you have opened more than one instance of the spectrogram application, because the Sectioner settings are saved every time an instance is closed.For a detailed description of the meaning of setup values read the description of the setup dialog for the application spectrum, which implements the same spectrum analysis methods as used in the Sectioner.

analysis frame
This group of settings defines the analysis frame parameters and the windowing function. The frame length is also used as length of the Sectioner waveform window.
frequency, amplitude
Frequency and amplitude scale settings for both Sectioner graphs. The value of the field height defines the relative height of the Sectioner windows compared to the other graphs.
waveform Graph, spectrum Graph
Line style and grid settings of the waveform/spectrum graph.
type of spectrum
Selects the spectrum analysis method for the Sectioner window. The method parameters are displayed in the groupbox at the bottom of the dialog.
average mode
Defines the method used to compute averaged spectra.
Selects if ratio frequency ratios are displayed linearly or in cent.

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