Macros and Classes of the Standard Library

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This section describes the STx standard macros and classes. They are all linked into the library file stx.lib, which is part of the standard installation, and loaded on program start. A detailed description is only given for the most useful macros and classes. For a description of all other macros and classes not described here, you must look to the source files.


name type description
@ParSoundFileNew variable default values for function NewDialog
@ListAudioSampleCode variable list of defined sample code keywords
@MaxAudioChannels variable maximum number of soundfile channels
@MaxAudioSRate variable maximum sampling rate in Hz
@ListAudioSRate variable list of standard sampling rate values
@TempDir variable directory for temporary files
BSFOpenList table item list of open soundfiles (only for BScript applications); this table is used by the functions Open, Close and CloseAll
SoundFileList variable name of the shared soundfile table item (see BSTXIni); the following information is stored in the table fields:

File = full path
SRate = sampling rate in Hz
Channels = number of channels
Length = signal length in seconds
Used = open-counter
Code = sampling code
Mode = accesss mode
Because the table is shared between shells, the LOCK/UNLOCK methods should be used to access the table. Do not change table content!

AutoCloseSF variable if set to 1all soundfiles opened by a BScript application are closed when the script exits.
CSF variable full path of the selected (active) soundfile.
CSFH variable header parameters of the selected (active) soundfile.

CSFH=srate nchannels nsamples code type accessmode


Alphabetical List of Macros and Classes

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