Macros and Classes of the Standard Library

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This section describes the STx standard macros and classes. They are all linked into the library file stx.lib, which is part of the standard installation, and loaded on program start. A detailed description is only given for the most useful macros and classes. For a description of all other macros and classes not described here, you must look to the source files.

Alphabetical List of Macros and Classes

Quick Overview

BUtil misc. utility functions UM or EM simple message boxes to display user- and error-messages ConLog write messages to script console and/or Log-window LogWindow Log-window control functions ShowItem show shell item properties and/or data BSF soundfile management functions DataSetCmd interface to the main application (Workspace) and its GUI
CObj the base class for all STx classes - BSeq create, configure and manage a signal sequence CObj BXMLDoc general xml document CObj BSTXIni the workspace document BXMLDoc BDataSet project document and project management BXMLDoc

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