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Introducing Graph Items

The S_TOOLS-STx graph item is used to plot data on screen. Currently the following plot types are supported:

  • spectrum
  • parameter
  • waveform
  • spectrogram
  • waterfall

The graph item also implements graphical cursors which can be used to extract values from the data via visual positioning, and segments to mark an area of the graph with text and coloured shapes.

Note that you cannot display a graph item without a display item (you need to specify the display on graph creation).====Plot Types====

S_TOOLS-STx supports the following plot types:

Spectrum Plot

Plot spectrum.png

Parameter Plot

Plot parameter.png

Waveform Plot

Plot waveform.png

Spectrogram Plot

Plot spectrogram.png

Waterfall Plot

Plot waterfall.png


S_TOOLS-STx supports two cursors which the user can position within the graph using the mouse or the keyboard.

Cursor overview.png

Cursor Selection

By default, neither cursor is selected. A selected cursor is displayed in a different colour on screen and the index of the selected cursor can be retrieved programmatically. Only one of the graph's cursors can be selected at any one time. If the user clicks on a cursor, that cursor is selected. If the user clicks on the graph itself, the selected cursor is deselected.

Note that you can select and deselect a cursor using the CURSORPOS command.

A message is sent to the graph when a cursor is selected or deselected.

Connecting a Value Item to a Cursor

In order to extract the cursor position, the cursor must be connected to a value item. This is done by specifying the graph's cursor output as the value item's input:

#cursorInfo := new value *
$#cursorInfo input $#graph.cursors /Read
Reading Cursor Values

Once a cursor has been attached to a value item, the values of the cursors can be accessed via the value item's !DATA attribute:

// retrieve the x and y value of the first cursor (cursor 1)
#x := $#cursorInfo[!data,5]
#y := $#cursorInfo[!data,6]
Cursor Status Value Item Vector

The value item's !DATA attribute has the following 20 indices defined for cursor status information:

0 - index of selected cursor (1 or 2) or 0 if no cursor is selected

1 - index (>=0) of function if cursor is bound and <0 if not bound

2 - control command code (*). 1 if the control key is pressed, 2 if the shift key is pressed, 3 if both control and shift are pressed, 0 otherwise

3 - not used

4 - cursor style (index)

5/10 - x position of first (5) and second (10) cursor

6/11 - y position of first (6) and second (11) cursor

7/12 - index of function value addressed by first (7) and second (12) cursor (only if function bound)

8/13 - not used

8/14 - not used

15 - x position of control command (*)

16 - y position of control command (*)

17-19 - not used

(*) A control command is sent when the control or shift key is held and the left mouse button is pressed inside the graphs draw region. This feature was implemented for 'real-time tagging' in the Recorder application

Setting Cursor Positions

A cursor position can be set programmatically using the graph command CURSORPOS.

Graph Examples

The following scripts demonstrate some of the display, graph and dialog functionality. An alternative to the examples below is to use the macros and classes available (e.g. XPLOT for graphs, ModalDialog for dialogs etc.

Graph Script Example

A basic script displaying an x/y plot.

Macro:  gui_basic_example
    Creates a basic graphical user interface,
    #standalone Set to 1 if the script is running on it's own
    (i.e. not called by another script). This is the default.
    Otherwise set to 0.
    Jonnie White
    2006-11-13  First implemented
    2007-10-04  Dialog button now toggles function color
        2009-06-25  Modernising
[macro gui_basic_example #standalone=1]
    // create and configure display
    #display := new display * 'Display Title' 1 1 /Dialog=Above
    if '$#display[?]' != 'display' then
        em -1 ; display creation failed ($emsg)
        $#display enabled restore 0 0 600 600
    // create spu to generate data for graph
    // generate some data
    #nValues := 100
    #vector := eval fill($#nValues,0,1)
        // create and run spu
    #spu := new spu * table2output $#vector 1 0 1 /n
    if '$#spu[?]' != 'spu' then
        em -1 ; spu creation failed ($emsg) 
    // create and configure graph
    #graph := new graph * 1 $#display 0 0
    if '$#graph[?]' != 'graph' then
        em -1 ; graph creation failed ($emsg)
        theGraph := $#graph // shell variable used for graph commands in message handler
        $#graph axis both both * yellow both both
    $#graph xscale 0 $#nValues-1 '' 'X'
    $#graph yscale 0 $#nValues-1 '' 'Y'
    $#graph y 0 $#spu.x0 xyplot 1 green lines solid 2
    $#graph x $#spu.x0 /a // set x data and apply all graph settings
        // run spu (sending data to graph
    $#spu run 1
    // return if this is not a standalone call
    // caller should clean up
    if '$#standalone' != 1 exit 1
    // create and configure the dialog
    #dialog := new menu * $#display
    if '$#dialog[?]' != 'menu' then
        em -1 ; dialog creation failed ($emsg)
    $#dialog $#dialog[!controls] button 0 0 'Toggle function color'
        $#dialog enabled restored
    // process messages until display is close
    // by the user
    setmsghandler display $#display gui_basic_example_mh
    // process dialog messages too
    setmsghandler menu $#dialog gui_basic_example_mh
    AppMode := 1
    do while '$AppMode' != '0'
    setmsghandler display $#display
    // clean up
    delete $#graph $#display $#dialog $#spu

[MACRO gui_basic_example_mh #objtype #objname #msgid #msgpar]
    if '$#objtype' == display || '$#objtype' == shell then
        if '$#msgid' == Close || '$#msgId' == Exit then
            AppMode := 0    
    else if '$#objtype' == 'menu' then
        if '$#msgid' == 'command' && '$#msgpar' == '0' then
            // toggle function color
            fcolor := COND '$fcolor' == 'green' || '$fcolor' == '' ? 'blue' : 'green'
            $theGraph y 0 * * * $fcolor * * * /Apply
exit 1
Cursor Script Example

The following S_TOOLS-STx script example demonstrates basic use of the graphical cursors.

[macro gui_cursors_example #standalone=1]
    // create display, graph and dialog
    // and configure
    if '$#standalone' == 1 then
        if '$(load macrocode $scriptdirectory\gui_basic_example.sts)' > 0 em $rc ; $#mac - $emsg
        gui_basic_example 0
    // display cursor styles combobox in dialog
    // and static control for cursor position values.
    cursorStyle := set '0'
    cursorStyleList := set 'cross crosshair hbar vbar hbarcross vbarcross harmonic rangeselection'
    functionBound := set '0'
    functionBoundList := set 'unbound bound'
    // show cursors in graph
    $myGraph cursormode both $cursorStyle on $(int $functionBound-1) off off red yellow /Apply
    //    connect them with a value item, so the value can be
    //    extracted at any time using the syntax $cursors[!data,$#i]
    myCursors := new value *
    if '$myCursors[?]' != 'value' em -1 ; value creation failed ($emsg)
    $myCursors input $myGraph.cursors /Read
    // return if this is not a standalone call
    if '$#standalone' != 1 exit 1 // caller will clean up
    // create dialog controls and show
    // the display
    $myDialog $myDialog[!controls] combobox 0 0 'Cursor Style' cursorStyle * * cursorStyleList
    functionBound := set '0'
    functionBoundList := set 'unbound bound'
    $myDialog $myDialog[!controls] combobox 1 0 'Function Bound' functionBound * * functionBoundList
    staticCtrlId := $myDialog[!controls]
    $myDialog $staticCtrlId static 2 0 'text' * 50 1
    $myDialog enabled restored /Write // update dialog    
    $myDisplay enabled restored 100 100 800 800
    //  process messages until display is close
    //  by the user
    setmsghandler display $myDisplay gui_cursors_example_mh
    setmsghandler menu $myDialog gui_cursors_example_mh
    setmsghandler value $myCursors gui_cursors_example_mh
    AppMode := 1    
    do while '$AppMode' != '0'
    setmsghandler display $myDisplay
    setmsghandler menu $myDialog
    setmsghandler value $myCursors
    // clean up
    delete $myGraph $myDisplay $myDialog $mySpu $myCursors

[MACRO gui_cursors_example_mh #objtype #objname #msgid #msgpar]
    if '$#objtype' == display || '$#objtype' == shell then
        if '$#msgid' == Close || '$#msgId' == Exit then
            AppMode := 0    
    else if '$#objtype' == 'menu' then
        if '$#msgid' == 'update' then
            $#objname /Read // retrieve new
            $myGraph cursormode both $(word $cursorStyle $cursorStyleList) * $(int $functionBound-1) /Apply
    else if '$#objtype' == 'value' then
        if '$#objname' == '$myCursors' then
            #x1 := format '%.2f' $myCursors[!data,5]
            #y1 := format '%.2f' $myCursors[!data,6]
            #x2 := format '%.2f' $myCursors[!data,10]
            #y2 := format '%.2f' $myCursors[!data,11]
            $myDialog $staticCtrlId * 'x1=$#x1 y1=$#y1 x2=$#x2 y2=$#y2'
exit 1
Color Settings Script Example

The following script demonstrates how to set a graphs colors, fonts etc.

[macro gui_colors_example #standalone=1]
    // create display, graph and dialog
    // and configure, display cursors
    if '$#standalone' == 1 then
        if '$(load macrocode $scriptdirectory\gui_basic_example.sts)' > 0 em $rc ; $#mac - $emsg
        gui_basic_example 0
        if '$(load macrocode $scriptdirectory\gui_cursors_example.sts)' > 0 em $rc ; $#mac - $emsg
        gui_cursors_example 0
    // configure graph
    // the title (top left) of the graph
    $myGraph title on 'arial:13:italic' black 'Graph Title'
    // axis data range, units and title
    //    this data is used for the labels as well as the cursor
    //    position data.
    $myGraph xscale 0 $#nValues-1 'X Unit' 'X Title'
    $myGraph yscale 0 $#nValues-1 'Y Unit' 'Y Title'
    // colors / fonts / labels etc
    //    specify the background color
    $myGraph bgcolor hlgray white
    //    specify which axes labels to display, the font and color to use
    $myGraph axis below left 'courier:10' gray below left 'arial:12:bold' black on on
    //    specify which axes to display and whether to display a grid or not
    //    and the number of steps between labels (ticks).
    $myGraph frame below left gray both gray 5 5 -20 -10
    // plot type and data source    
    $myGraph y 0 * * 1 red lines solid 3
    // cursors
    $myGraph cursormode both cross on 0 off off red yellow /Apply
    // set the display position
    $myDisplay enabled restored 100 100 800 800
    //  process messages until display is close
    //  by the user
    setmsghandler display $myDisplay gui_colors_example_mh
    AppMode := 1
    do while '$AppMode' != '0'
    setmsghandler display $myDisplay
    // clean up
    delete $myGraph $myDisplay $myDialog $mySpu $myCursors

[MACRO gui_colors_example_mh #objtype #objname #msgid #msgpar]
    if '$#objtype' == display || '$#objtype' == shell then
        if '$#msgid' == Close || '$#msgId' == Exit then
            AppMode := 0    
exit 1

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