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Graph Item
NEW GRAPH name inputs display row [col] [ /S|A ] [ /G ] [ /C ] [ /O ] [ /Nocopyprint ]

Create a graph item. The graph is assigned to a row and column in an existing display item.

The graph receives its data via inputs. The number of Y data inputs is defined in the NEW GRAPH command. The function defining the data source and drawing format can then be called for each Y input (See inputs and plots).

name The unique name identifying this graph. If an asterisk is supplied, a unique name is automatically generated.
inputs The number of (Y-data) inputs of the graph. An X input is always added.
display The display item name where the graph will be displayed.
row, col The location of graph in display (zero based indexes, 0/0 = top/left).
/S or /A Display multiple inputs synchronously (/S) or asynchronously (/A).
/G Garbage collection. If specified, the item is automatically deleted when exiting the macro in which it was created.
/Cursorrange=on or /Cursorrange=off The /C option can be used to turn one-click range selection functionality on or off. By default, one-click range selection is on.
/O If the /O option is specified, zoom functionality is turned off. This may speed up graphs which contain a lot of data.
/Nocopyprint Normally, the context menu for the graph will contain an entry "Copy/print" for printing the graph and for copying to the clipboard. This holds true even if you do not code a context menu at all - in this case, a context menu will be generated automatically, containing only the "Copy/print" entry. The /Nocopyprint option will override this behaviour: If you supply /Nocopyprint, any context menu you programmatically generate will not contain such a "Copy/print" menu. Likewise, if you do not code a context menu for the graph, /Nocopyprint will prevent the "Copy/print" context menu from being generated.

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